Matthew Maldonado

I wouldn't call you a fool, but I don't think you understand the psychology here.

Pokemon Plusle and Minun is not a game series I am looking forward to.

An interesting good exception/bad exception is ZombiU, which re-rolls on every survivor, but it looks like the "default" is "crew-cut white dude."

Agreed. The attitude of entitlement that pervades gaming culture is infuriating.

And NOW I will get a 3DS.

FTL's dominance over my holiday/illness break seems like a success.

The coolest thing it could possibly do is allow for ports of well-designed Wii U games and/or encourage similar asymmetrical gaming experiences, but like the PlayStation Move, the PS Vita, and Kinect, it's going to be an expensive peripheral without a big enough userbase to justify developer investment.

Watching you reply to everyone makes it clear you are either A) desperately trying to save face by repeatedly slamming your face against the unforgiving wall of reality, or B) a troll.

*watches you bang your head against the wall of reality* =|

Please address other points in vrey_oneida's post, most especially the ones that pertain to how you have conducted yourself in this conversation. It's odd to me how people who know a lot often forget that others don't, and fail to see the value in educating those not in the know.

I worked for a short while with a former developer who worked closely with Sony on certain PS2 and Vita titles before his company went tits-up. His outlook on the Vita and what he'd heard about Orbis were not positive in the slightest.

This isn't about The Right Girl, this is about Girls Who Are Just As Nerdy As You Are, If Not More. They're there, and they seem pretty rampant, so I don't understand why I hear so many dudes griping about their hobbies and interests not being understood by their partner. It's ridiculously commonplace amongst the

I have to imagine things would get weird the moment his opponent turns into a ball and starts dropping bombs all around him.

And that's how Reach fell.

This is why I've HAD girlfriends, and will continue to do so.

I've been fighting a very minor, very quiet war on here to establish that this is DEFINITELY a mental health issue, and that anyone who wants to own a gun needs to go through at least two psychological assessments. The assessments need to be done by two psychologists who have no communication with each other, and the

It's because it lumps all of these disparate cultures together, then uses different bits and pieces here and there in ways that are explicitly inaccurate and completely clash. This was probably intended to make the island natives their own own thing, with genuine inspirations, but they copy-pasted so blatantly that it

I recommend divorce.

I'm totally doing all of these in my book, plus grabbing everything that's ever inspired me and cramming it together. It's become surprisingly cohesive.

To those criticizing, I'd like to point out that it doesn't seem like he's condemning violent video games. His issue with them is that, at this point, for him personally, they are traumatic. They make him psychologically uncomfortable.