Matthew L Kelly

It can be directly related to their hair loss, I'm certain of this.

I miss John Lebowitcz.

The opposite same can be said for Hammond, great at impressions but can't write funny. Parnell is great as the Progressive Box.

Frewer, as Max, went on Letterman as a tv rolled out next to Dave. Dave said he seemed like he had a plate in his head. Max said, I've got a whole set of china.

Who needs Gacebook Marketplace, look, I've got some hot items for sale right now. Everything must go. Losing our lease. Contact me at…

CG- Why

How about going as Lester

Makes becoming an actor even more desirable.

I clicked hoping maybe the story was about him leaving his family. Too bad. I wanted to see this flick.

Is making a comment about everyone being negative a negative comment in its own right?

Calling Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard.

Irrefutable proof, unlike the faulty manufactured climate reports claiming global
warming. - The Deplorables

Blackheads? Just take a needle and pop them.

Who is Amy Adams with? She is so hot. The fake porn of her is…troubling. I can't even.

Trump went full republican establishment with this pick. Ponderous pandering.

Who plays Jeff Goldblum's character?

It's the task of a troll to scoff at all things unique and of a high caliber and raise the shrillest complaint over the common and mundane.

Plus. Plus. The name 11 is made up of two 1's. Huh?

He's good. But not 3 plus minutes good.

This guy doesn't get sarcasm. Must be from Pennsylvania.