If that was mine I’d get it thoroughly rust proofed ASAP, it’s well worth preserving. Compared to things like the new “Defender” the Niva is a dream come true: simple, clever, light and easy to fix, it could easily still be going in 20 years time when new essyoovees will have long gone to the scrapper.
You are correct, that’s what it means in German.
Hey for the 1970s that’s not half bad.
I had bought an SJ410 for £900 back in ‘98, those things hold their value eh? I subsequently drove it to southern Spain so it can do road trips but… well, let’s just say that passing trucks was “interesting”. 998 cc of pure fury! And four gears with a narrow track means that I absolutely ruled off road though.
Those things used to be ambulances in the old DDR, whereas, for comparison, in The West ambulances were (still are?) stretch turbo’d Benzes with a banshee like siren.
The green German isn’t a 90, it’s an Series 3 88".
Yeah you’re right, that’s an odd choice of option and an weirdly impractical thing for LR to put on it in the first place. I can only assume this vehicle is designed by impractical people for impractical people.
Welcome to the UK.
Retail opportunity for Land-Rover dealerships!
The “meh” is strong in this one.
Well there were about 8 different diesels alone over the course of it’s life so it would vary though.
Some people have way more money than common sense I suppose.
Hopefully Aussie stuff then, that’s what I’ve got. Seeing as the Discovery 1 used the Classic chassis there’s still a lot of aftermarket improvements around.
German mate of mine who had one, albeit a Santana 88", reckoned that if you fitted an intercooler while it’s still in good condition it would last.
It is bit “all the gear, no idea” isn’t it. Like I say above get rid of the dangly shite, replace the alu sills with steel rock sliders… and probably the alloy rims with steels.
I dunno. Pretty sure those are organic materials which rot.
The Defender has much less weight in it’s bodywork so if anything is less likely to roll. But the Classic is a nicer place to be no two ways about it.
Yeah I had an 2.5 N/A (12J) in my 1 tonne HCPU, fully loaded it was eveeeen ssssloooowwweeerrrrr, actually had to use low range to get up one hill! (Enraging the poor fuckers stuck behind me). But it was reliable AF and easy to rebuild.
The rope is there for posing, keep it there and it’ll degrade from the UV in sunlight and then when you put over 2 tons of force through it it’ll snap. Which will be fun I’m sure.