While I hate the new redesign, they made the comment section better, almost like the old simple one. One column for one thread, no need to click to see replies
While I hate the new redesign, they made the comment section better, almost like the old simple one. One column for one thread, no need to click to see replies
You can run the BootCamp utility within OS X and it will give you the option to download the latest drivers. I think it is .zip file, so unzip it, boot into Windows 8 and install
It's ok, I am glad he did, I never knew that. The whole sentence now looks really stupid to me.
Unfortunately not, but what is the issue here? English is not my native language, so excuse my ignorance. I even tried to google it and it seems right, so...?
somewhat related. Fun stars at 1:20
Ridiculous indeed. Sadly, this is becoming a norm. It started with paying for "cheats" and continues to pay for everything
You can restrict in-app purchases in settings, that's what I have done. And it is a must when borrowing your device to anyone, not just kids.
Can you elaborate on how bad it is in Real Racing 3? I have a RR2 and it is a great game, so it is sad to see they went the free-2-play route.
You are correct sir, I was unaware of Deuteranomaly until now. Serves me right for not reading the article I linked...
Can you see the difference in the pictures in this wikipedia article? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_blind#Classification
No, they would see two pictures with exactly the same colors as they are unable to see the difference.
Hmm, heat signatures you say? This guy know about heat a thing or two
The guy in your story deserves to be hanged by his balls up on the flagpole, but he is not going to read a book that tells him not to be asshole. The only solution is to dump his sorry ass, not stay with him, because he is the one who should change.
No, it is not. Problem is, that man who abuse women are not going to read a book telling them not to do it. The abused one (whether is it man or a woman) need to get out of that relationship, because the abuser doesn't care.
Umm, they did. Also Apple regularly release sale figures for each device, while Microsoft did not... yet. I hope the Surface is doing fine, but we just don't know at the moment
Haha, &@!# kids! That's something I would do to my father too, when I was a kid.
I know what you mean. I almost never spend more than a few days playing mobile game (be it on tablet or phone) with the exception of games ported from consoles (Bards Tale, GTA, Final Fantasy...).
If you upgrade 2 or 3 times, it will still be cheaper than regular console (PS4, new X-Box) and probably on par with Nintendo U.
And no brakes, it's a fixie (nothing wrong with that, of course)
They are bound by law to destroy counterfeit products. I believe majority of countries require this as well. This is also the reason why they destroy counterfeit clothing instead of giving it to those in need.