
Wasn’t it just last week that Daddy’s little lap girl Ivanka stated that the presidunce is a champion for women? Now he cuts another woman’s program!! Fuck the Trumps.

I love hearing the GOP folks talk about how Americans will have a choice in their coverage. We might have two or three choices but the cost will be astronomical for most people especially folks with pre-existing conditions. The GOP is so fucking clueless.

I give him six months before he gets Kelly booted and he will be the sole host.

Maybe to have success he should change the name to Myles Cyrus then take a wrecking ball to the new look.

I thought it was Mike Myers doing that “Coffee Time” routine.

I think the name of his new album should be “Just for Men.”

I got lost as a kid, I found a cop and told him I was lost, the cop replied, “there’s so many places your parents can hide.”

But he did get his Supreme Court Justice approved. Oh that’s right, they even had to fuck with the rules to get that through.

The clown in charge of the NRA thinks the academic elite is what is hurting our country but the yokels leaving loaded guns in reach of kids are not? Wow!! I bet half the NRA clowns would shit themselves if ever confronted with a real threat against them.

Usual reply from the Fox idiots, I’ll sue everybody!!! Blah blah Blah.

The word on the street is Melonia doesn’t sleep in the same room when they are together and now she’s in NYC so maybe Drumpf wrote the word on the his own star soliciting some carnal action for himself.

Not 100 days into his run I want to have a new amendment stating that no one can be president without first being either a state governor, senator or house representative. This asshole is making our country a laughing stock.

I hate that stupid song. Wouldn’t it be great if Lee Greenwood would come out against Drumpf using his song, I know he wouldn’t do that just my wish. I remember visiting my father in Florida and we would visit the Elks club or VFW and some yahoo would play that song and everyone would stand up and march around the

Is that being played every 30 minutes on Fox News?? I can only imagine the jizz cleanup at Fox over that shitty video. My kids have made better powerpoint presentations in grade school. As pointed out by another reader, I love the 39 star flag used. what morons.

Yeah Fox News really taught O’Reilly and the rest of the frat boys at Fox a lesson. Act like a complete douche and bully for years and you get millions of dollars not to work. His departure will not teach anyone a lesson.

If it’s like me it will only keep time for about three minutes then it will stop working lol

In a related story, the SEC and ACC will only accept players with domestic abuse records prior to getting into their school of choice.

“ I go on the Titanic and I forgot my workout suit and my wife forgot her workout dress, damn.”

I remember Presidunce Massingill stating many times that as president he will be so busy winning that he won’t have any down time, Now he’s not too busy to meet with some washed up rock stars and a truck stop prostitute that was once the head of Alaska. All this winning is great.

After looking at the photo of these clowns with our presidunce all I can wonder is how they got the monster truck through the gate of the White House.