Matty Ice 2016

WhooooWhat ? Whooowhat ? OK !

Now that is Bad Ass…

Of course he is ….isn't he in everything ?

This was a great time for Tennis …I hope it does not suck….

Top Gun 2 ……I did not ask for this rubbish…..I'm waiting for " Cocktail 2"

Ridley has lost his marbles….His playbook is lost in space ..

I know what helped kill her ….She was a druggie right until the end …Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy, all found in her body….Let's face it …She was a mess of a person …Very sad end…I'm surprised she did not die years before…

They slip them a bunch of Angel Dust as they get in the cage ?

What a Schlock Fest !!! This rubbish was never intended for wide release …. " The Swallows " was even more of the same, Total Rubbish !!!! " Jaws " Now that was a masterpiece. so good in fact nobody has tried to make it again…Pretty impressive considering it came out June 20 1975…

And why are we not seeing Blomkamps Alien film? Oh right …Ridley Scott bombed it back to the stone age ..

LOl !!! " Hi baby " " here baby " what a bunch of shite that was

This film will stink and hopefully flop so we don't have Scott driving it deeper into the crapper ..The movie we all want to see is Ripley , Hicks , and Newt …That is the story i want to see

Is this real ? lol !!! I still long for the day when it is all over for him " fame and money" He needs to be where he belongs circling the drain !

Your full of shit !!!! LOL

good shit !

So stupid. The article is about a movie release , and here we have a bunch of morons talking about Trump.

Not a lot of people knew how witty and funny prince was …They say he was the funniest guy in the room..