
I like Star Fap better... :)

Haa! Me too!

People ARE the biggest monsters of them all. Humanity is garbage. Leave the zombie genre alone, it’s fine just the way it is...

I have never stopped missing him.. :(

Yes, thank you!! Fuck that abomination! Luckily I knew not to see it based on just seeing the trailer, but it still forever tainted the original The Last Airbender for a whole lot of people.

It was pretty lame. I can’t even remember if I finished watching it, but I know I saw some of it.

Wow! Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel! :)

Soooo, um, did I click on The Onion by mistake? I thought I was going to io9 and associated Gawker sites, but this... lol! Wow, my sarcasm meter just exploded!

LOVE the original Phantasm!!! I can’t wait to see they are going to do with Ravager as well, this is fantastic! First movie news/hype that’s got me excited in quite awhile.

I read some of the comics, watched every episode of the animated series (my favorite iteration of The Tick) and couldn’t watch more than just a few minutes of the live action show with Patrick Warburton (who I normally really enjoy)... that said, I will give this pilot a try, but eeeeshh, that costume looks fuggin’

I’m in agreement with you on this statement 99% of the time. But I just saw Don’t Breathe, and while I can’t recommend that movie, I have to say that despite massive plot flaws and awful characters that I didn’t care about at all, I was genuinely on the edge of my seat, totally invested. It was very weird.

Does anybody really want this, though?

Most nights in my apartment...

I could watch Kristen Bell sort laundry. I’m so in.

Ahhhh... ha, ha ha... I see what you did there... :)

Thank you, exactly!

“But presenting the show as a “reenactment” messes with the stakes. If the “real people” are alive and well and able to tell their stories, why should we fear for them in the moment? It’s also annoying to be caught up in the action, only to be jerked back by a talking-head who then proceeds to over-explain everything

TESTIFY!!! This, exactly, this!! Which is why I don’t go see Nu-Trek movies, and have no intention of watching this new series... I’m done with being treated like an ATM by Paramount.

I would love to have seen that with all the extra gore they could throw in. It somehow seems so much more palatable when it’s someone as deserving as Bolton. I kept thinking of even more horrible ways for him to die, but I was basically satisfied with the dogs. Though as I’ve already made plain, I would have liked for

Ha ha, right?!?! I couldn’t process any of that.