Matt Gerardi

But there is one that reminded me of Hannibal. It's kind of beautiful in a really gross way.

Guitar Hero was just announced today. The new Rock Band was announced a while back, yes, and we covered it in more detail at the time:…

Bloodborne, is that you?!


Yes, the Lovecraft influence is obvious. (And I thought it was a fantastic surprise, so I didn't want to spell it out, but that's what I was getting at.) I considered Lovecraft and the weird fiction he helped build as having grown from Gothic horror. He certainly got his start in that subgenre and was greatly

Argh. I forgot about that! Sorry, everybody. I definitely wanted to link to the start of it.

I do think that was a silly choice, but I actually have bigger problems with the healing system. Farming is not fun.

That's a tough question to answer, but I'll say this: I have problems with some of the game design decisions (and this is coming from someone who's logged many many Dark Souls hours), but from an art and level design standpoint, yes. Bloodborne is the logical evolution of everything that made those parts of Dark Souls

We got a copy in advance—but definitely not far enough in advance. I'm around 30 hours in, and I have NO idea how much game is left. Also, we needed to wait for the multiplayer to start to populate with real people. Sony set up something for reviewers, but there were so few of us that it was impossible to get anyone

Stay tuned.

He's always been a good character. It doesn't hurt that two of the best and most famous SF players in the US have been using him for years. The funny thing is that you might expect him to be a lumbering grappler type, but he's at his best when he's just this unrelenting, nimble offensive machine.

Absolutely. After it happened, I was kind of shocked there wasn't any sort of alternative.

Nah, sometimes things just go wrong—especially when it comes to reviews.

That's not an option with this game. There's only one save file that's overridden whenever you create a new save point. (Unless you're playing on PC and decide to do some manual copy and pasting, I guess.)

You'll be happy to hear that Samantha meant "microcode" (as per the Golem Arcana website you so astutely pointed us to), but that piece of jargon got lost somewhere in the editing process. We've fixed the error. Thanks for your kind suggestion!

Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out. So many links!


Because the idea of this feature is to just list a few examples and let you all suggest the rest. It's just a fun, collaborative thing to do with the community. We're not out to make an exhaustive list.

Fun fact that I decided to leave out of this story because it wasn't really relevant: Former EA CEO Jon Riccitiello also joined Telltale's board!

I'm right there with you.