
databases still take space and time to access so the larger it becomes the slower the system works. an infinite supply box in a game where you could actually get millions of items per player is a really bad idea.

The Brig serves a very important purpose. I was on a 3 man ship and one mate was disconnected and some pug showed up while we were at an island trying to find a treasure and proceeded to try and steal the ship without even a word. so we sent him to the brig. This is a very necessary thing to do for groups trying to

Children need to know how to brush off jerks and move on. Actually I have met a lot of adults who also need to learn this as well. if they are vulnerable to people’s crap comments they shouldn’t be on the internet or in comment sections. Especially if you’re going to play PVP.

they pretty much had to as they made ragnarok unplayable on pc with the last round of updates it has been resetting servers every 2ish hours for over a week and rolling back making progress almost impossible.

At some hotels you need to have a web page to enter a password before it will connect to the internet. i have used it many times for this.