Trunk Impaired 318

its well over 20 cents cheaper

I only work 5 minutes from the border

I just drove home last night from philly, I went about 74 the whole way and didnt see a single cop until I got an hour into NY, I think I made the 250 mile trip in just over 3 and a half hours

From my house to the gas station I go to is just under 15 miles, I get about 35mpg combined but I work about 5 min away form the border so it really isnt like im going out of my way to fill up

Thats unfortunate because as fate would have it I go to college in Philly. However that might mean I can go even faster on the turnpike which would be a godsend


And this is why I drive 20 minutes to PA when I need to fill up

No but maybe... if you order one from G-Power I believe they give you a double clutch system but you can also take your M5 to them and have them put all the upgrades on so I would imagine if you came in with a manual box and wanted to keep it they could do it. Surprisingly there isnt actually any info on the gearbox

The G-Power M5 Hurricane RS Touring, with a glorious 5 Liter V10 that is drowned out by the even more glorious whine of two massive twin superchargers, providing 750 HP and 0-122 mph in under 10 seconds. It's LIMITED top speed is a mere 224

I just bought an AW11 so Im kind of partial to them

Toyota MR2, small, lightweight, mid engined, great fuel economy, ridiculous amounts of fun

Even as a BMW fan I didnt think the i cars would make it to production. Never have I been so happy about being wrong

Now playing

It would have been a shoo-in if it was the prettiest ever and the old track through the streets and around the gorge counted, any car going over the old stone bridge at the end of punchbowl lake looks gorgeous

Sir Jackie,

Watkins Glen, in the middle of the Finger Lakes of upstate New York, sitting on top of the Esses you can see picturesque Seneca lake and driving the track itself is just as amazing.

Im now 20, over 6'0 and still fit comfortably in the back of my parents E39 for extended trips.....

I think the fire was just there to cover up all that tire smoke he was making, hooning his way to work like a good Aussie

If it weren't for the headlight Id say for sure its an X5