
Eh, briefly dated in HS. Flash forward to a bit less than 10 years after graduation and she picked me up in a bar in our home town. One night stand has been going on now for, uh, 19 years?

Me: *GASP!* They’re gonna completely remove that stupid Animus conceit and just do (somewhat alternate) history fiction?
Oh. *sigh*

That sounds more like a Medal of Honor DLC than an Assassins Creed game lol.

I feel like too many people either underplay or completely miss out on the fact that all of these games occur in times and places of relatively important historical events (even if that history generally has a strong western bias). They also seem to try to stick it far back enough in time where things like guns aren’t

Don’t know if this is actually being updated, but:

Well, if they place any of those “Sausage Kerbs” on the track, I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one of them ends up being just a painted alligator in reality.

I usually defend the inclusion of even things thrice removed, but this is very much a stretch. And boring, too.

Is he vaccinated (I assume he IS smart enough to be, regardless of his random verbal diarrhea)? Then no/very mild symptoms is the norm. Thank you science.

Oh, I’m not defending Tesla (see my track record on Tesla for proof).

If that’s how you think employment actually works, then wow: I wonder how much you let people trample all over you.

On the one hand, he was verbally told not to do it, and in general saying anything negative about your employer in public will come back to bite you, so shocked/notshocked here. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be that way. Too much weight (both for survival - health insurance and the like - and personal identity) is

“Tesla warns employees not to publicly reveal potentially dangerous flaws of vehicles” sounds more like the start of a very interesting story.

If videos of FSD in the wild make the company look bad, firing the messenger isn’t going to make the software any better.

So much for the $30,000 EV Elon promised huh?

Tesla has hiked up prices on Model 3 by 20%-25%+ in the last year... a much higher rate than the price increases on other cars.

Has the cost of manufacturing a Tesla Model 3 really increased by over 20%-25%+ in the last year though?

The base price of a Model 3 went up by 20% in 2021 alone.

I’m not aware of any other manufacturer who has increased prices as much and as often as Tesla has in the last two years.

The man also loves gambling with stakes that aren’t his to lose.

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.