Demonstrating a system and acknowledging errors/issues/shortcomings is not “trashing” it.
Demonstrating a system and acknowledging errors/issues/shortcomings is not “trashing” it.
The fact that Tesla is embarrassed by the issues with “FSD” does not make an objective reporting of those issues “saying negative things about the company or the product.”
If a company thinks that posting a video that accurately displays how their product works (or doesn’t work) is “negative PR” worthy of being fired and not a learning moment they should be thanking the employee for discovering...that’s a bad course of action and we should criticize them for it.
“He does something as his job and he does the same thing as a hobby” is not a conflict of interest.
It is was pre-release software used under an NDA, sure. But all indications are that he was using publicly-available software on his personally-owned vehicle, and Tesla should have no claim to control what he does with that.
So, making the public aware of potential issues with a system that could cause life-or-death situations is “disparaging”? It’s just acknowledging the reality of how the system works!
He posted 60 videos, and 10 of them showed issues with the system. 17% of his videos showed flaws in a system that we ALL know has some flaws. That’s pretty fair!
Is demonstrating how the company’s product works “disparaging”?
Just because the employer has a legal right to do something doesn’t mean that it’s moral or ethical for them to exercise that right.
If your employer told you to become vegan, but you refused and were subsequently fired, would you defend the employer’s right to do that?
What exactly is the conflict of interest here?
This kind of corporate attitude, a refusal to acknowledge shortcomings/limitations/failures and instead punish or slander those who do acknowledge them, helped cement my decision to sell my 2016 Model S.
“Massive price increases are happening with every brand”
Nobody is saying that Tesla shouldn’t do that, we’re just pointing out that Tesla is engaging in market adjustments exactly like the dealerships that Tesla and Tesla fanatics so love to criticize.
Nobody is denying that things are getting more expensive, but Tesla’s vehicles are getting more expensive faster than external factors would explain. Their price increases over the past year outpaced inflation by 3x.
I’d wager the Tesla increase is less.
But that’s not all due to inflation - we know because no other car manufacturer is raising prices like that, even other EV manufacturers that we would expect to face the same production costs.
5%...for this price increase, but there have been multiple price increases over the last year and that’s lead to the “Standard Range Plus” Model 3 seeing a 25% price increase from March 2021.
In February 2019, the Standard Range Plus Model 3 cost $37,000.
“Tesla has hiked prices because buyers are prepared to pay those increased prices. End of story. That’s how capitalism works.”