
Significant other and I watched the returns last night, and left the bar around 11pm ET when we knew it was over. Got back home, held each other, cried, and finally decided to watch a funny movie just to remind ourselves that we can laugh. It helped immeasurably.

Go outside. Go for a walk, go for a drive, go to a restaurant and watch the people there. Realize that the country and many people in it are awful, but that life is going on largely unchanged. Realize that this is relatively small right now, and there’s no help worrying what might be later. Accept what happened.

I want to believe that it’s the young adults, the millennial who have worked to support these people. The Bernie supporters, the Hillary supporters, my friends who worked months for our state senate nominee (who lost). We’re broken, we’re sad, we’re angry...but we’re seeing how low this country can go, and that gives

My mom texted me this morning, and I think it was the most direct we’ve been in years. My family rarely talks about our feelings, and I’m not out to most of them, but I told her I was terrified, and I think she understands. It’s awful having to tell your mom, who’s seen you be stoic for years, that you’re scared.

Needs a longer name before I’ll be seriously interested.

That’s more Boris Johnson than Trump though, isn’t it? That “head” of “hair” is too full to be Trump.

I really only used that feature too, but even now that it’s free I think I’ll keep using Premium. LastPass has been so incredibly convenient, I’ll now just look at the $12 as a donation to the developer(s) for their hard work.

One would hope so, but remember that the shade for the Model X was an afterthought they shipped months later, so I wouldn’t put it past Tesla to just completely forget about this issue.


The bigger the image shows up on here, the bigger your hands appear. It just makes the costume even better!

Fess up, who else thought it was a new Ford GT?

Google Wave. Partly for the functionality, partly for the Firefly references.

I did the same with my current car! Priced as a base model, actually fully-loaded. The dealership had no idea, and when my dad and I practically ran into the showroom just a few hours after it was listed, they realized their mistake. Thanks to state laws about having to sell at advertised price, I got it for about

+1 for Madison. Woo!

Rumor is he’s “beside himself”

I’ve always treated it as “I’m buying myself freedom from worry.”

Given ReligionOFPeacePL’s explanation of what likely transpired, it seems the Germans are getting more efficient. It’s only taking them one tank to get there this time.

The best description I ever heard was “HR is there to protect the company form you, not protect you from the company.” Any complaints to them and you’ll be added to that list of liabilities they want gone as soon as possible.

I went through the same thought process two days ago (With Horizon 3, no less!). In the end, I settled on buying it for a few reasons:

Oddly enough, for both his interior design and his administration, it’s a question of “how much wood does he want in his cabinet?”