Little Mac

Noticing a patterns of slideshows on these sites now. Not a fan of it. Feels like a G/O Media thing and it just feels like a sign of things to come. Unfortunate. Thanks for writing this though. I’m assuming it wasn’t your decision to make this a slideshow post.

The only thing Biden has on Bernie is Obama.

“Joe won because he has name recognition and older Black people know who the fuck he is and what to expect from him.”

I’m a Latin American voter. I voted for Bernie as he is the only one that was consistent with ending illegal immigrant detention and ending ICE all together. I kind of know that all his legislative proposals are impossible to achieve, but damn I had to stand on the principle that I thought best helps my people.



Why do you think Biden has a better chance in the general when 4 previous Democratic candidates, who were the exact same as Biden politically, lost?

And what are you saying to the Black people who think that the southern Black vote is fucking the rest of over? Again.

Won’t play it on iOS. Would play it on Switch.

Make it happen Konami!

All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person. 

“There was only one problem: People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them. In those days, internet people didn’t realize that they weren’t the majority, and journalists went along with it because pretending whatever was on

RE: Jim Carrey

kamala is still a cop. and amy is a trash person and also a cop.

I’ll get shit for it, but I’d rather vote for the old white guy who has remained more-or-less consistent in his left-wing views over a pretend, feel-good shallow veneer of progress disguising the same neoliberal, center-right bullshit.

Wow. Leia erasure.

I was never Team Harris but I have to side-eye how The Root will talk about how Steyer’s campaign stole her data even as you promote him in the rankings. That kind of malfeasance should disqualify a candidate in the power rankings. “He stole from a black woman but we made him #2 anyway“ is...not a good look.

I’ll be glad when voting actually starts so we can toss some of these prank candidates like Yang.

It’s a good ad. We need more of these that just show Trump’s bullshit to the world. However, Trump’s people could easily put together an ad just like this against Biden, filled with all of the rambling, incoherent things he’s said too.

The Herb

And now he’s talking about being against legal cannabis, so he may as well put on his robe and slippers and get comfy at home now, because that’s one thing most young voters (and PLENTY of other ages) are all FOR.

Speaking of affordable insulin; I live in Canada where it is very affordable. Part of the reason for this is because we call type 1 diabetes “insulin dependent.”