
Sacha Baron Kony?

"German Man Tries to Hold Sexhausted Woman Prisoner in His Apartment."

There. I fixed your funny rape story.

From the original article:

Yup, she's a badass alright.

Yeah, Singer also supports infanticide for disabled babies, so, grain of salt.

Animal rights activist/academic Peter Singer disagrees with the idea that animals can never consent.

April Fools.

True, many white people have olive skin. So do many biracial people and POC. However, when the casting call for Katniss was announced, it was made clear they were *only* looking for white actresses. The film's creators insisted on a white Katniss and on black actors for the roles of Rue, Thresh and Cinna, each of whom

See my comments below regarding Rue and Thresh. As for Cinna, um, SPOILER ALERT.

My point is that both Thresh and Rue are the only other sympathetic characters in the arena, and by keeping Katniss alive before themselves dying, they fulfill a sacrificial function that has been a staple of the Magical Negro. Rue protects Katniss and nurses her back to health and is later killed. Thresh spares her

To me, there's an added layer of irony. Rue (and to a lesser extent Thresh & Cinna) function as stereotypical "Magical Negroes" who give their lives for the white protagonist. In Rue's case, she's close to nature and seems to possess magical powers. This is worth looking at, within any discussion of race and HG.

Bomb Iran to save its women!

Sacha Baron Cohen's shtick as an North African/Arab dictator getting promoted elsewhere on Jezebel is also racist.

Really? No criticism of the fact that Cohen's shtick is brownface/anti-Arab caricature?

I'd like to amplify this excellent response to Jezebel that's been appearing elsewhere on the thread. The writer makes a similar point about cases like Abu Ghraib, while nailing exactly what squicked me about Jezebel's post.

I disagree. The Abu Ghraib photos were on 60 Minutes and on the covers of newspapers around the world. They exposed the US torture regime in Iraq. Without them, it is unlikely those crimes would have ever gotten much attention. Many simply refused to believe our soldiers were capable of such actions. (Yeah, that's

The Abu Ghraib photos and videos depict rape and sexual humiliation of Iraqi men and women. They are not "simply" pictures of victims. And I think it was in the public interest for the media to release them. The government didn't want us to see those pictures, and would have been quite happy to exploit feminist