I agree that Jezebel should not have published these photos, and I was creeped out by the original version of this article.
I agree that Jezebel should not have published these photos, and I was creeped out by the original version of this article.
A race joke that will actually make you cringe...
Isn't the real insult to object sexuals, who actually do fall in love with (and marry) buildings? [jezebel.com]
Yay, more concern trolling disguised as satire.
I'm perfectly content to criticize this one.
"You deserve diabetes."
You guys, this video sucks.
But doesn't this guy realize that all of those sexy fat girls are gonna die of Type 2 diabetes, just like Paula Deen? It's true. I read about it on Jezebel.
No matter how much science and morality you ladle on, the meat and potatoes of this post is still concern trolling. And I thought Jezebel was above that.
"So-called Palestine?" Newt Gingrich, is that you?
Seriously? This comment is bullshit.
Too bad the LA Weekly interviewer didn't challenge Syd "I slap bitches" tha Kid to address why some people stay in the closet. She might be forced to acknowledge that Odd Future's virulent homophobia and misogyny are a part of the problem.
Speaking of Brando and rape...
Thanks, somehow I missed this. Seems Collins has fallen in line with the studio on the question of Katniss & Gale's racial background.
Yep, they also made Rue and Cinna black, though their skin color is not described in the books This plays into the "Magical Negro" stereotype of a black character who sacrifices himself for the benefit of the white protagonist. These tropes won't seem to go away; in this case they negate and overwrite some of the…
So you agree that Israel is an apartheid state, with a history of ethnic cleansing and that the occupation is wrong?
Is this sweepstakes for "caucasians only" like the casting call?
Meet Gideon Levy, college freshman.
Now, that's some propaganda right there. Ethnic cleansing = "human movement."
Nothing soothes your skin like products made from stolen resources? I notice you called the Boycott Ahava campaign "propaganda." Does being confronted with the reality of the occupation make you uncomfortable?