
Chinatown Wars was the first GTA game I ever regretted buying. I purchased it the week it came out on DS. The constant cut scenes with slideshow animation were jarring - the driving was impossible to get used to with a D-Pad, tedium of drug deals, and the side-missions like tattooing the same drawing 20 times

@bilk: You can still switch back to it. The different views are available at page top. Startled me at first too, to see a stupid looking Windows list in my iTunes player.

@erawsd: I've noticed that in September, Netflix will start streaming a ton of new History Channel and A&E reality shows on top of this. They're knocking it out of the park, as they always have.

@Jandau: Same on my end.

Kevin McHale from Glee is in NBA JAM?! Awesome. I've always wanted a wheelchair sports game. It's not right that we haven't gotten one yet.

@CarbonatedFalcon: It's true. You can pick up and play with everything in an electronics store - except for headphones. The one thing that will be jammed into your earlobes or resting on top of your head for possibly hours every day - and you can't try them on like clothing?!

@Slinkytech: Kinda not enough room for more than that, considering the dance moves required, and the fat people needing to be accounted for.

BP created this mess, they can fix it themselves. I won't help in any way, and I certainly won't go to their gas station ever again. Too many options to warrant that.

Does the Kindle App offer free ebooks to try out on it?

@Stealth_chill: Exclusive E3 preview of the upcoming Gears of War movie took precedence.

@Nexus6: Makes me wonder why they still took pre-orders for the past month +. Like they didn't know it was over.

@Richard Cozby: Yeah, but not much more. You still ended up paying full price - with store credit - on any game you buy, so you just *felt* like you were getting more when you traded things in there.

@Xcite79: I'm sick of it to. You want to sell me a game now, you had better show me the game and all its flaws. I want to see the Xbox 360 chugging and struggling to keep up with your character. I want to see you forced to run in crouch mode like a freaking tank. I want to see you holding your hand to your ear,

@jiSh: I shall assume you're joking... about both parts of that sentence.

@Lemstring: By *if you feel*, I meant any person in general... I should have been more specific.

@Lemstring: The point is that you waive your right to sue Rockstar on your own the second you cash the check. So, if you feel you were damaged by playing the game, you probably should've said so a long while ago.