Hot Fuzz is underappreciated by whom? It’s amazing from beginning to end. And any movie that has a former James Bond getting hit head impaled on a miniature clock tower is clearly a masterpiece.
I agree, but for different reasons. Honestly, I’ve always felt like the Chick-fil-A thing was one of the Left’s bigger embarrassments. The company itself has no history of discrimination in hiring, provides health insurance to all its workers, regardless of working status (almost unheard of in the fast food industry),…
Chick Fil-A can donate directly to the Nazi party, Black Panthers, La Raza, and any other hateful organization they wish, I’ll still eat their chicken because its really damn good.
This is profoundly satisfying.
I side with the biker. I see too many people texting while driving and it doesn’t seem that the police are doing much about it . I feel the the penalty should be on par with a DUI.
Personal story time - I binge watched Top Gear while I was recovering from a bad breakup, usually while horribly drunk. If I actually met them in real life I’d probably get the urge to get loaded again and gape aimlessly at them like I would at a television.
So van Poppel got punished for making that save? Why do you even have that turn there if that’s not exactly the race you’re hoping for?
Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....
Beat me to it. Its a shame they’ve stopped making it, as it was hands down a much better car than the Explorer is.
So much want. Absolutely no need...
So much want. Absolutely no need...
This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. This five pound Haribo Gold-Bears deal was available briefly…
where are you headed?
fuck the haters I like TGUSA
Have you ever ridden a bike up a big ass hill? Probably not, you’re too busy commenting online trying to come off as superior.
Taking a lane when there are blind curbs is the safest thing, actually. It’ll likely piss you off, but the 30 seconds I impede your regular speed, I swear on my life that (me specifically) am looking for a safe shoulder or driveway to plod into to let you pass me.
Deserved it.