matt blissett

The King In Yellow stuff, which is widely known, but I also get the same sense of Ellroy, in the trope of bad men trying to do good but failing on the macro level.

I enjoyed seeing Maggie in the interview, the intelligence and the wounded pragmatism she showed was lovely. The things I enjoy in this show are how things pay off, in Cohle's line about a down payment, in Hart's seduction by the idea of being a good man and from there, that his marriage falls apart because he cannot,

There are some great shows, a lot of bad ones but the good ones are easier to find now. A small thing, but great entertainment makes us feel better and there's nothing wrong in that.

I really enjoy this show. There's a constant tension, without wanting to reduce it, it seems to have that damaged masculinity of Cormac McCarthy allied to something dark and ritualistic. I'm excited that this is the only story we will get to enjoy these characters.

I loved the book, and look forward to an adaptation of it.

Is it Amanda Palmer?

Let's hold off until we see something. The original pitch for Preacher was that it contained a lot of vulgarity and bloodshed, which was why Ennis and Dillion got away with so much. Goldberg and Rogan are competent writers who will hopefully do a good job with the material. Even if it doesn't work out, the graphic

I have just finished Horns by Joe Hill, which I enjoyed immensely, finding it a more bittersweet, John Irving-esque experience than I thought, but with a grand Twilight Zone influence to it. Also Sunnyside by Glen David Gold, which was moving and thoughtful, his enthusiasm for the period and his research made an

My daughter will be upset, but even she felt it was beginning to tire.

I loved how it was, ultimately, his pride that made him take action. To be dismissed was always going to be what Walter White feared the most, and even though he has done ghastly, unforgivable things, I still want to see how he addresses these things.

It is odd, but I really enjoy this show. It reminds me of Bret Easton Ellis, has a noir sensibility as well as a lot going on under the surface. My wife and I watch it regularly, and it's strange how different a review is from my own experiences. Not wrong, I can see where some of the criticisms are justified but

Beautifully done.