Matt Barrentine

I think Samantha Morton is maybe her generation's greatest actress, in an entirely different league from Scarlett Johansson. Acting is so collaborative, and even though there's no mouth movement to match the timing of, the line delivery would often need to be similar to fit the footage they show…I wonder how much of

Where is that goddamn vampire-hunting vampire? Three weeks now without following up on that, how dare they.

It's not speed reading, it's just being able to read without sounding things out. In reading that there is no way for me to stop myself from seeing that she becomes one of The Master's henchmen. If I put the word "spoiler" above stop signs would you start getting into accidents? Maybe "cater to" treaders by not

Ahh yeah I vaguely remember that. I wonder if there have been any subtle references to the existence of this Christopher person. I hope so, adding that important detail at this point feels like a different show.

Is there a reason to think George didn't do it?

Jared asked Daniel if, after taking the plea deal, he'd ever see him again. He said something like "Probably not. Don't tell mom yet." There was also that scene with Amantha…the family knows there's a good chance Daniel would just disappear.

What's that song you're referencing?