
“original digital" as a 20 year career data scientist, I'm left too tired from laughter for speech.

Maybe if we had a central registry, where in you could report the creation of a work, and then have protection over the rights to a product and all it’s copies.. a copyright, as it were! Then you could choose to license out those rights, and in turn earn money for those rights.

We could even have a system for

You’re not getting the image, you’re getting a receipt is not the argument you think it is.

Commission work, buy a print, join their patreons, toss them some money...

“Attacking NFTs by saying ‘Oh I can just right-click and save that stupid JPEG’ is a bit like someone else taking a picture in front of my Porsche, posting it on Instagram, and saying, ‘Check out my sweet ride.’ But it’s not their ride - they can’t sell or (in the case of an NFT with utility) drive my car. I can. All

^^ this guy gets it ^^.

The crypto currency itself is traceable. But consider the money used to acquire the crypto currency in the first place and how it was done.

You can give them money directly? The problem was never the method of compensation for artists, it was their colleague’s willingness (or lack thereof, honestly) to do so.

You’re only getting the JPEG itself and not the proof of ownership on the blockchain, which is the main appeal of NFTs.”

Oh holy hell yes. And you get one of those Twitter threads that is summarized in screenshots like “A re-evaluation of major life decisions in three acts.” with the last one always being the cryptobro saying some permutation of “...what have I been spending my money on????” and everyone pointing and laughing.

The tastiest morsels are when they don’t understand the NFTs are not actually the images themselves.

You just don’t have your MIND open to the POSSIBILITIES, man! I can’t concretely explain those possibilities or justify why they can’t exist without blockchain, but I will use words like “new economy” and “unprecedented sea change in digital ownership” and talk about finally giving artists their fair share” in ways

Just add it the pile with Sheeple, NPC, Cucks, Beta-boys...

I’m not the person you replied to, but as I see it, complaining about “the narrative” is almost universally used to mean “I can’t say you’re wrong about anything, but I don’t like the implications of those true facts”.

lol, the Twitter drama surrounding people right-clicking NFTs always nourishes me like a seven course meal. 🤣

The funniest thing about NFTs to me is that “actually having the file on your hard drive” is a much more meaningful sense of ownership to me than “your name is in a ledger on the blockchain associated with a url that points to an image.”

That’s precisely my point. The whole “we need guns for self defense” thing is a ruse. The “we need guns to kill the people who disagree with us” has always been the point. 

Celebrities are most likely to have high-end boots that rarely, if ever, encounter actual dirt. Those are obviously the boots to lick, if that’s your thing.

Few points:

Why are they blaming this on people having sex on the beach, when they cite toilet paper/wipes and the presence of feces - sounds to me more like people finding a hidden place in the dunes to poop because there isn’t a public toilet close enough. Granted, it’s been a while since I had sexy times on a beach, but