
I just checked, and those sites do not even exist. I wonder why, as the conflict in Syria has made about 5.7 million people become refugees. Yemen is another humanitarian disaster... I wonder.

Maybe if he took the lessons from and the site could’ve been more polished...

Because Kiev has been the established English spelling. 

Off-topic, but wanted to toss it into the comments, as I kind of like it, but am wary of the idea too.

Before I got clean/sober in 1983, I did plenty shrooms & acid. Sure didn’t make ME violent. I saw things, but something doesn’t add up with this story. A bunch of white kids, one black guy, and the black guy ends up dead? They can make up any story they’d like after-the-fact. That’s what wypipo do.

“Posts” and “discussions” are categorized differently in Kinja, comrade.

A trailer is like a demo. You give people a demo to give them a taste of what the final product might be like. But there is still time between the demo and final product to change and finalise things. It’s always been like that so there’s no case here.

I’m not sure crowdsourcing this stuff formally is a good idea. And to be clear, I’m probably more “fuck the police” than 99% of people on here. The thing is... at least they have official resources and processes for dealing with people and they have established relationships with the prosecutor’s office.

Damn. That’s some deeply pathetic wannabe nazi shit.

Damn. That’s some deeply pathetic wannabe nazi shit.

Mine was how every member of the family thought Marta was from a different country. I’m a Latina myself, I could relate.

This was the dumbest paragraph I’ve read in ages, well done. You come across as the worst kind of self-important idiot who thinks they’re being clever.

“Hur dur, someone noticed connotations, it must be them who is the racist for noticing racism, let me slip in some dog whistles”.

You then go on to list your various

If you feel embarrassment from people expressing sensitivity then you should probably seek some therapy. This isn’t me roasting you, this is me extending some of that empathy

So the game’s not above criticism, but since the fasist and racist mood was intentional, it can’t be criticized?

lmao bitch you realize you’re the outraged one right now? These people are having grown up discussions and you are in here crying rn “HoW HaS ThIs COuNtRy SUrViVeD?”

It’s the equivalent of putting .com at the end of your company name in 1999.

It’s because the whole idea is incredibly stupid on the surface, and also beneath the surface

I am in Scandinavia. There are not “many” countries here not mandating masks. Specifically, it is only Sweden that has chosen to do that, and their officials have publicly admitted that it was a mistake and their deaths are way higher than for any of their neighbors.

I don’t mind NOT shitting on the floor but it’s the mandate that I mustn’t shit on the floor that’s rubbing me the wrong way.

Oh my god, NFTs are an absolute nightmare but threads full of people dunking on them are good for a laugh.  Might almost make up for their nightmarish effects on the climate.