
You’re hoping the guy in a full-body sleeping bag who is having a mental meltdown in full public view...dials it down?

Same goes for (self-proclaimed) billionaire ex-presidents who receive a government pension, staff, office and travel allowances and a 24/7 security detail paid for by the American taxpayers (of which he isn’t one).

  • Make people stand on circles and between lines.

This kind of nonsense is great when your submitting it to a court. It allows the judge to simply toss out the lawsuit due to it not to conforming to normal law standards. 

If your job title is “Congresswoman,” you don’t get to position yourself as an oppressed outsider.

Sadly, no. Since the 80's, many behavioral health facilities have been shut down or greatly reduced the number of available beds, transferring the care of the people who would have been in those facilities/beds to “community care,” which was supposed to mean outpatient treatment but since we also enacted “cost cutting

Condoms are masks for a particular form of sneezing.

Let’s see. How should we respond to the public health emergency right now? Should we just go with quick and easy interventions that are widely available right now, like masks and vaccines? Nah. Instead we should try to reduce risk factors like obesity, something that would take months (at least) for any individual

The video of Leete’s speech was recorded by Asra Nomani, vice president at Parents Defending Education. The group claims it’s a “national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas.”

You mean a brain surgeon should not be appointed to lead the nation’s housing & urban development agency just because he’s a black man that spouts out racist, self-hating Republican talking points on Faux News? *shocked pikachu face*

Setting up gallows outside the Capitol and chanting “hang Mike Pence” is perfectly acceptable, but saying “let them die” metaphorically (about backwards ideas) is too much.  It’s like Republicans are from Bizarro World.

I’ll take things that definitely are not going to happen for $100, Alex.

I’m annoyed I’ve had to live through five years of proudly ignorant people using racist rhetoric, advocating violence and engaging in violence and the only people who are consistently punished are those who speak out against them.

Frankly, I'm in agreement with the other interpretation too. Let those anti-vax bucktooth backwater inbred rednecks die - and COVID-19 is going to do all the work for us. All we have to do is sit back and wait...

CRT in pubic schools: <crickets>

Repub: Critical Race Theory teaches that all white people are evil oppressors and all black people are noble victims of that oppression, therefore I hate Critical Race Theory.

No. The word “carer” has distinctly medical connotations in British English (in fact, American English doesn’t use it and would use “caregiver” instead) that imply that BoJo is being cared for.

But that’s the problem with conservatorships: they’re self-reinforcing.

It was a surprise “tribute” and she likely would have wanted to sing her own songs. Imagine being told you can only do the thing you love when someone else tells you to and they control final decisions in how you do it. Then to have a family member, who is aware of all this, participate in a “tribute” to you regarding

If not being in full control of your emotions is one of the legal elements for a conservatorship a lot of us better hope no one drags us into court.