Grunge is enshrined forever as a monumentally important scene/sound/moment.
Grunge is enshrined forever as a monumentally important scene/sound/moment.
I don't. If it exists, it would have to be something written by and for college students.
Once The Onion had more readers online than in print its identity changed, no longer bound to campuses and the interests of twentysomethings. The original editorial staff aged out of that phase of their life as well. The Onion was originally a zine-like, raunchy, irreverent, often offensive, newspaper parody. With…
Stan was out of character in being stupid: he normally would have realized that Cartman was blackmailing Kyle.
One of the preachy episodes with a cynical / quasi-libertarianesque message. (Opposition to self-righteous, self-aggrandizing do-gooderism dovetails with libertarianism even if it's not exclusive to it). And very one-note as well.
The episode where Wendy Testaburger beats the shit out of him, and everyone tells him they hate him, certainly was satisfying.
I also appreciate the ethnic, gender, and body type diversity of the show, which extends beyond the main characters.
It's definitely more accessible, in a good way, than Adventure Time (or Bravest Warriors) since it doesn't have the stream of non-sequitors, random surrealism, nor labyrinthine mythos. Well, maybe it will have the latter, but I bet it'll be more straightforward, like a videogame or 80s sci-fi/fantasy cartoon. It…
Those cybertopian dreams sure went to shit. Instead of some kind of rave-like transcendence or hacker frontiers we instead got targeted ads, trolling, NSA surveillance, and celebrity Kickstarters.
For me it was Mondo 2000, The New Internationalist, and Mozart on cassette. No TV, no home internet, no movies. Life has never been better.
He also had a great performance in what is arguably the first zombie apocalypse movie (though technically vampires) - The Last Man On Earth (1964).
Living in a podunk (well, it was actually a college town, just not in a big metropolitan area) Only Theatre of Pain (especially Spiritual Cramp), The Germ's GI, Slayer's Hell Awaits, and Mighty Sphincter's New Manson Family, along with a few other albums, were the soundtrack to my high school years. I became a member…
What could possibly justify a movie that's not, say, an historical epic being three hours long? This is a small scale drama with two major characters. How many generations come and go during the film? Is there a war? No? Then cut that sucker down to two.
Some of those themes come to the fore in the '06 Masterpiece Theater version.
I think it's a hoot, The Prestige meets Underworld. Dracula has been done so many times that it needs a sharp revision to keep it fresh. The original novel was not set in mythic olden times but the here and now (for Stoker) and featured technology like blood transfusions and phonographs, so having a tycoon with…
AKA screamo crunk, post-hardcore combined with hip hop and electropop. Some bands: BrokeNCYDE, Hollywood Undead, The Millionaires, Blood on the Dancefloor, Breathe Carolina, 3OH!3, Jeffree Star. Dress includes shutter shades, skunk hair, neon clothing. Pretty much dead now.
It was one of those episodes that felt really out of touch, that Trey and Matt are truly getting old. (I'm old too: over a quarter century ago I had black nail polish, a devilock, and a Mighty Sphincter logo drawn on my jacket.) The emo references may as well been made to the mid-00s, before the heyday of scene and…
The moment the show turned: the mid-season finale of season 3. Michonne and Andrea were facing off in the Governor's room and Michonne explains to her friend … nothing. Inexplicable. Then after it returned from break it was clearly off-kilter, with a saggy structure. The only return to form was the standalone…
It's a shame that decades of exploitation films have dragged down the reputation of the horror genre. See Eyes Without A Face along with other lyrical horror: Vampyr, The Black Cat (1934), Cat People (1942), Blood and Roses, The Innocents, Night of the Eagle, Picnic At Hanging Rock.
Big Bang Theory? Too idealized. Real nerds cannot possibly be successful academic scientists who happen to be sci-fi fans. The Guild? Too whimsical. Real nerds are not sexy, witty, and funny, with full, functioning lives and relationships. No, an authentic nerd must be a menial service worker who sponges off his…