Matt Baen

Randians like to mooch off of rich donors as scholars at think tanks, off of taxpayers as chair of the Federal Reserve or member of Congress, or off of their parents because they're 17 years old.

Goyer's Superman kills … the childhoods of Donner fanboys.

"But at least Brock didn't die.  No harm no foul!"

I don't know about the bands' entire oeuvres, but I dig these tunes:

I don't care if it's dismissed as mallpunk, Hot Topic fodder, the '00s equivalent of hair metal - The Used's 2002 debut has some good tunes that hold up today.  It's only with oversaturation that the commercial side of screamo acquired the bad nu metal-like rep that it did.  And by God, more than a few hair metal and

I think The Invasion with Nicole Kidman was included in that reference.

45 Grave - Sleep In Safety: I listened to that hundreds of times in high school

Have to note a disagreement: I think Abel Ferrara's '93 Body Snatchers is a terrific movie.  "Where you gonna go?"

Hitchens advocated overthrowing Saddam years before 9/11, largely due to his sympathy for the Kurds - which also was behind much of his criticism for Turkey.

This kind of article is a necessary corrective to the notion that Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen begat everything about modern comics.  Don't forget Grimjack, The Badger, Jon Sable, DNAgents, all of which debuted in '83. The reprinting of Judge Dredd for the US market also began that year.

White Wedding was the last time he was taken seriously by anyone in the New Wave scene.  A decade later, Idol's '93 album Cyberpunk was razzed mercilessly at the time by those with 'cred' - and understandably so - but Shock To The System still holds up.  A good tune is a good tune, and catchy hooks, crooning, and

Interesting; I didn't know about that one.  Or even that they were still around.

The two (Black) Flags reminds me of the Valor vs. Rozz Christian Deaths and the two Fleetwood Macs.

I felt too bad for Maggie to enjoy Edge of Seventeen too much.

Fight Club is the nineties flavor of a longtime brand of reactive nihilistic machismo induced by the angst of professional class young males discovering that they are not heroes in a mythic adventure but rather banal consumers and data table jockeys.

Upstream Color has masterful visual and sound design (indeed, it's onanistically self-congratulatory about the latter with the activities of The Sampler).  But the puzzle box plot mechanics with its wholly arbitrary rules of a completely made-up process - like the worst aspects of Inception - are irksome.  Sure,

It's not my favorite of the year so far, but I really liked MOS too.  The most underrated movie of the year and surprisingly controversial.  

The Croods.   A fable about curiosity and hope that avoids preachiness, has visual splendor that puts Avatar and Princess Mononoke to shame, a young woman protagonist who is decidedly non-princess in personality and build, and better than anything Pixar has put out in years.

"It’s part low-key, naturalistic relationship drama (with surprisingly good taste in music), and part Epic Supernatural Metaphorical Teen Romance For The Ages. "
OK, if that's what you expected and think Twilight failed to deliver (I'm a big fan myself), then try Hemlock Grove for size.  It's pretty great.

There were a number of good bands in that late 80s to early 90s pre-Nevermind era that were first billed as metal or alternative metal and later didn't quite fit in with grunge or alternative.  They seemed like dinosaurs by '92 even though some of them were actually ahead of their time.  The Nymphs, Bullet LaVolta,