Matt Aves

Black Widow was hotter in Iron Man 2.

This can be made at your own home and I'm very serious. Magnetic repulsion anyone?

Correct. But then again, who cares if it does happen after all or not?
Life occurred on our planet, despite the odds being very low. It did happen.

A computer can expand itself and its functions in virtual space. But the initial "spark" (analogous to the theory that a lightning strike initiated life) is always needed, that is a program that can rewrite itself.

Thank you. I presume you are a woman.

Simple physics? Simple logic is enough to prove it.
If intelligence can emerge on Earth in any form, why can't it happen in some other way in some other part of the universe?

I C what you did there.

A fucking gun instead of a head.

I read it as masturbating in public transit :|

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One of my favorite websites.

I'm sure we haven't seen even 1% of the universe, let alone map it.
To infinity and beyond, my friends.

I've been a freelancer for ages. to go.

Steel gets rusted?

Apple Fanboy Cum

He's just reminding how important these little things become in times like these.

Same here.

What's wrong with this? Nothing at all.

That guy was fucking right. Could you have it?

25x zoom in some parts of Grand Canyon.