Matt Aves

Happy to see that the stars are visible

"and passed test the organized by"
the test*

Iron Man 3


Wow George, that's a really fucking great article. I've given thought to this topic many times, but since I've read this, I'll start taking immediate measures to preserve me gigantic digital legacy.

I made a working beta version, but never finished it due to exams. I'll look into it again.

Yeah, looks like a hand reaching out to grab her.

I have always distributed pieces of software,music,books,photos which I thought were nowhere to be found on the internet. I used to upload these on YouTube,Scribd,torrents and various other sites so that they automatically became indexed by search engines. I won't link to any of these, because I can't reveal my

Sounds like the grid from TRON.

Correct this
" pretty specific angle to be able to look at one of the mirror's arrows " to " pretty specific angle to be able to look at one of the arrow's mirrors "

and "I don't what's more" to "I don't know what's more"

Are the editors drunk while writing these posts ? At least proofread it twice.

Dogecoin itself is secure. The service called Dogewallet was hacked, not the currency. The editor of this article is saying something along the lines of "a bank was robbed and hence, US dollars are insecure"

The actor has two thumbs in reality.

Is he wearing a green condom on his middle finger ?

These are not the same shades. Checked with texture pattern referencing and pixel color checking tools.

Why is the guy in the last comic black ?


"Sorry to burst your supernova, but no, stars are just giant chemical reactions."?
Physical, nuclear reactions . Duh.

Added you on Facebook, I guess that's easier to access. Anyways, I sent an e-mail too. I guess you should obscure your e-mail now to avoid spam.

"Bieber added the hashtag #robin? to his Instagram post, which is pretty amusing since the script claims to be based on "The Dark Knight Falls" from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. The Robin in that book is Carrie Kelley, a girl."

And who told you that Justin Bieber is a boy ?