
Wasn't this movie originally titled, "Xerxes Xerxes Superstar?"

Me: "Mom, did you hear? Bob Casale from DEVO just passed."
Mom: "Bob… now is he the one with the flower pot on his head?"
Me: "….um, yeah."
Mom: "That's too weird."
Me: [sigh]

I wonder if Sam Ruben ever got Larry David and Woody Allen mixed up? Doubtful…

Why not use the original Isley Brothers' song "Shout", which the Beastie Boys stole to make "Girls," and change that to fit the commercial? That'll show 'em.

So are they going to change the show's intro to match the lineup change?


Here's how the rest of the Iron Man saga will continue:
Iron Man 4: better than 2 and 3 but not as good as 1
Iron Man 5: awesome! Much better than 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Iron Man 6: what were they thinking? Worse than the previous 5.
Iron Man 7: better than 2, 3, 4 and (obviously) 6 but not quite 1 and nowhere near 5.
Iron Man 8: