
Really depends on your perspective and taste I guess. I’m barely a “musician”, just somebody who’s played and recorded at home on and off for years and knows a little theory. I dislike a lot of pop music because it sounds manufactured, but most of the music I listen to is still simple 3-5 chord indie. I like taking in

It’s the natural follow-on from Facebook’s “data wants to be shared” ethos.

“People want to play together!”

Well, yes, in limited circumstances. I enjoy playing Final Fantasy XIV with my wife, and my brother-and-sister-in-law, because we all know each other, get along well, and have solid communication between ourselves.

You mean the kind that acts like he’s not been a huge part of the problem for a long fucking time?

Ok, thanks for playing semantics.

I mean, it sort of is, but that’s only because conservative media lives in a world where facts have no currency.

Factual isn’t liberal.

In a sane world, Colbert would be too ashamed to even bring up his 2006 WHCD performance. It was one of the most awkward, halting comedic performances I’ve ever seen.

I’m pretty a-religious but fuck Bill Maher for using athiesm to scapegoat his mendacious racism. Guy is a huge turd.

“...his minimum requirement from underlings is total unquestioning loyalty.”

Comey thought he could get a little pregnant with Trump, help out just a smidge with the Hillary problem, and that Trump would be eternally grateful to him and let him keep his job.

I have no hope about this book changing anything. Comey had a chance to prevent this entire disaster, just by shutting the f**k up about emails right before the election. He chose poorly and now we’re screwed. Comey’s book, Stormy Daniels, Mueller investigation....I have no hope.

but he always serves free frogurt

That’s bad.

Hank Azaria is cursed.

That’s good!

But he was played great by Hank Azaria.

.... that’s bad.

This speech embodies why I want nothing to do with anybody who supports Trump.

WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I know this is going to be controversial, but I don’t think that Jared Leto was a good Joker. Further, I think he was a bad Joker.