
“The Right has no interest in governance any more. I can’t pinpoint when they gave it up, but it’s long gone.”

“This Steelers defense is turrbul.”

Take a look at any given Donald Trump rally. All of those “adults” (many, if not most, of whom are raising kids) were all children once.

What kind of hats were they wearing?

Nice use of Morgan Freeman to try show a black man how wrong he is.

DKSA is truly awful. The only advantage to reading it is that explains the mindset of someone who would go on to create Holy Terror.


You people are truly doing God’s work.

Jesus, dude. Just Google any random video clip of Trump from the last seven months. It ain’t that hard.

Can’t believe that people haven’t mentioned that Guy was dressed as Kolchak, the Night Stalker, or that

I literally just played this scene last night (yes, I’m nearly six years behind everyone else. What can I say? I’m cheap.)

Sweet Zombie Jesus!


Fox and Friends is concentrated ignorance of nearly lethal proportions. What makes it really scary is that it’s carefully created to be that stupid.

I can’t vouch for the Pittsburgh part, but the Philly part is spot on.

You know what would really help the situation? If so-called “moderates” such as yourself:

A) Grew a fucking spine and stood up to the religious bigots and extremists who run the Republican party


Never mind. I apparently I wasn't googling hard enough.