
Agreed. If we stay with this crazy logic, the person getting a tattoo is essentially paying a one-time fee to license a tattoo artist’s work.

Could an artist then revoke that license and have it forcibly removed with a ridiculous lawsuit or simply sue for failing to get it removed?

I’m 90 hours in and I barely finished Taking Independence.

In all that time, I have almost half the map thoroughly explored.

If I pick a quest to do and it’s halfway across the map, I must scavenge and comb all of the area between me and that point, so I never get any real quest stuff done, but I’ve found a lot of

Markiplier went through some similar backlash from his Until Dawn playthrough.

People were commenting about how he was not taking the game seriously because he was laughing in various instances in the game; basically, not playing and reacting as viewers expected.

He straight up said in an episode about half-way through t