
But I thought this was a known thing already? It's on the Anniversary boxset version at the end of the episode which I've had for quite a few years. Unless I hallucinated the whole thing and this is all a massive coincidence. Which is possible, I was a student, coursework stress and all that..

I feel pretty disgusted that the real point here is being missed - why do the strong female characters not have feathers? It's bad enough in the past, but these are supposed to be enlightened, post-Chicken Run times, it's like the whole societal shift embodied by Ginger, Babs and Bunty was all for naught!

As I try to on most John Oliver related stories, I would like to reiterate that he is from Bedford, and as such any of its faults as a town (English/Italian race riots on international football match days, bodies in the river, being within the fallout zone of Luton etc) are instantly swept away before the glory which

Loving Other Space, I started watching it yesterday afternoon and am onto a third rewatch. It may cost me a masters degree as a distraction from coursework but totally worth it.

He just wants the future to remember his Stoor-y.

As far as I can tell in the UK the chances of getting any seasons of Parks and Recreation beyond season 4 (hidden cunningly on BBC 4 and not advertised in any way whatsoever) in my lifetime are about as high as the chances of not getting frequent season renewals of The Voice. Television truly is becoming a godless

As someone living in the UK, Channel 4 is not my favourite television broadcaster at present. It's like the dark times around the cancellation of Time Team all over again. I'm this close to putting a copy of their Friday night schedule on a dart board and unleashing sheer pathetic rage.

I would like to say how offensive I find it that people consider it acceptable to call these people 'rednecks', it's so simplistic. After all, there's more than enough room on their necks for a range of reds, pinks, purples and the occasional patch of pallid mauve. Let's just recognise this achievement for what it is.

Read the headline to this as 'How I Met Your Motherland' and thought it was some crazy spin-off with a group of young communists in Leningrad or Pyongyang, and their lives of drinking vodka and party.. politics..