
To be honest, the thought that Alexander had done it hadn't occurred to me while watching, only reading online after the fact. I just assumed it was his father, since I got the impression that Alexander had noticed the bags, and then he had been the one to hear the shot. But certainly most other people found the

Yeah, that's fair - mine could be a sample size issue too.

I've at least talked to a couple of Germans who said promos have been airing for months - so it's at least being treated as a big event there, from what I hear.

I'm going to be interested to see how Marseille does for Netflix. I generally like subtitled things, so if Netflix is throwing money at it, maybe it means they see some potential for bringing more stuff over.

The Yvonne subplot will hopefully tie in majorly in the finale, because right now it seems like a waste of time.

OK - thanks for the clarification. I couldn't find any article on the internet saying anything about renewal, so I wasn't sure what was happening.

Was it picked up for a second season after it started or was it an initial two season commitment? I assume RTL is doing a significant part of the financing, so it probably doesn't need to do great numbers to be worth it for Sundance.

I still generally like this show, but I feel like the action scenes are a bit clunky and telegraphed. I wish they'd spend more time on downtime, a la The Americans.