
Do these people deliberately watch the weather and wait for the windiest day to record the video?

Why would you pay $15 for an app that does this?

Lol @ recommending Fermi over the 5870.

@Guard: It Just Werks©

Dang, my 6 year old Nokia has the ability to change backgrounds. I mean, could it be that Apple wants you to buy new hardware?

@smcallah: Regardless of if they were custom designed or not, it's still pathetic that they are using Core 2 Duos & 2GB of ram with a tiny, slow hard drive, and charging $700 for it.

@smcallah: LOL you think they custom designed those boards?


@yanggao1898: When it overheats the shitty solder melts and the connections break.

Couldn't they just add some better fans/use better solder to prevent it from overheating in the first place?

Those screens look fucking awful.

Tachyons 5 minutes ago

@Manly McBeeferton: I swear to god, if I see one more old man riding around the neighborhood on one of those, I'm gonna lose it.

And they all make you look like a massive douchebag

Don't you guys publish like 10 articles a day on how bad FB is?


I guess that's the price for being the best for 2 generations/11 years.

No no, you're not gonna trick me.

How about instead of offering support for SDXC, they upgrade the processors to something made in the last year, offer more than 2GB of ram, and maybe a 7200RPM 500-1TB HDD for the base $699?