
My question would be did she act alone in this? Was there not any other worker there who didn't notice that something potentially shady was going on?

I hate both parties with a passion jack-off, but hey thanks for assuming something about me when you know absolutely NOTHING about my life beyond one comment on Gizmodo.

Why is it that the party which always yells and screams claiming to be "small government" tends to be the one that is behind ideas such as this?'s the girl's fault that she got stabbed.

Hey asshole, how about you go fuck yourself?

I love the braille. That's some good thinking there.

.........then don't use it?

Interesting how the people who do all of these things to exploit "loopholes" are the same people who will complain the loudest when the result of such exploiting is stricter rules put into place in the future.

Well I'm sure I'll struggle to sleep tonight because I didn't live up to your standards. Seeing as how much verbal garbage is spewed online, I'm really not too worried that my thin attempt at humor didn't please you to an "infinite" degree.

That is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.

Are you freaking kidding me? How about just follow the god damn rule for the time it takes to takeoff and land? Unbelievable. Anyone who follows those "tips" should be immediately thrown off the plane if their caught. And not even because you're any kind of "threat" to safety, or whatever, but because you're

I wonder how much the "fully functional" adds to the price.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with GFWL. Just shut the hell up and be happy that we're getting the game in the first place.

They should give people the choice of either paying the $4 or downloading it free, and no matter which one you choose, it's free.


If you don't want/can't afford the best, then obviously the 360 version is more than sufficient.

Fun game? Yes. But absolutely frustrating as all hell that the servers for downloading creations is a complete travesty.


Specs like that make me wonder whether or not the next generation of consoles will STILL be capable of native 1080p resolution on every game. Not that those are horrible specs, but I wonder if it's enough of a jump to get native 1080p on everything.

Most people/companies that are hugely successful are hated. I doubt they care one bit.