
Can we call it “Pointless Waste of Time”?

Might as well ask Kim Kardashian about foreign policy. Who the fuck is Lara Trump and why are we asking her anything about anything other than what perfume to wear to lunch. FFS

8,294,400 goddamn pixels and that motherfucker wanted to test it out by looking at Sean Fuckin’ Hannity? There truly is no hope left in this world. I hope you charged extra.

Republicans seemed very happy to attack victims of school shootings.

I’ll just leave this here.

It’s perfectly acceptable to compare Trump to MLK...

The guy from NYC lamenting about the cleanliness of streets in San Francisco is amazing.

“I want to burn your house down.”

Yes, of course, but there’s no equally-funny GIF for transparisteel.

“OK, how about this: you give me everything I want, and in exchange, I’ll pause for a brief moment before I resume kicking this puppy!”

Exactly. And once that temporary relief is over, goodbye DACA. Conservatives want you to give them everything in exchange for nothing, and consider that a fair deal.

Fuck ‘em.   

Trump to announce an emergency that there’s a Mexican zombie invasion at the border and that we’re all gonna get raped and murdered unless he builds the wall. He doesn’t have enough money for the wall and the wall will never get built, but it doesn’t matter because this way he can open the government and tell his

If you can criticize LGBTQ people and feminists, then we can criticize your stupidass Christianity. Sit down.

Wow. Trump really just wants to be seen as the king of the petty white boys, huh?

He misspelled the second fucking word of the letter, FFS. 

Meanwhile his trip to Texas for a glorified photo op and propaganda video was worth the cost?

“We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, after watching some recent coverage of the shutdown, according to one person familiar with the conversation. “Why can’t we get a deal?”

He’ll probably spend the next month figuring out how to reimburse himself at the taxpayer’s expense.

He probably just had the Trump Foundation pay for it and charged everybody admission.