
This is a super-late reply, but while the game does NOT load your save from the previous game, you are the same kid. And in the first game, the New Kid was a boy who (at one point in the game) had to pretend to be a girl.

In my particular case, the sequel basically just “reveals” that the New Kid was a girl all along,

here is a rough Arabic translation

No save-acknowledging, but it IS the same character, you start the game as KING DOUCHEBAG fighting the moors

The economics of this is much more complicated then this. The issue isn’t minimum wage laws as the Average worker makes only about $2,000 USD less then in N. America, Which is on the low end of a developed economy but isn’t outside of the mainstream. Now while the minimum wage is stagnant and certainly is not enough

I come here every week literally just to see what stupid shit people like you have to say about Penny-Arcade; I read all these comics when they’re actually posted...this is just a bonus with which to end my week.

You’re not getting enough credit for your comment

Yes, healer is pretty much mandatory, right now Mercy is king in that department, though you still need to assess the situation and select the preferable healer, talk to your teammates.

I bought fear effect for ps1 last year. Never played them and too young to remember it’s Lesbo ad campaign.

I worked in a technical support helpdesk for a software company as my first job out of college. Eventually they were more worried about how many calls you took a day, regardless of the issues that you were working on. I supported virtually the entire product line, so I ended up with the majority of the really hard

I’ve dealt with this environment too and eventually I got so pissed off I went off on one of my managers. We both worked in together for years and I saw how much the system changed him that I wasn’t letting him convince me I was in the “wrong”. This kind of environment slowly eating me away how client companies

That reduced your average call times and ensured your stats were low.

The thing that boggles my mind about this sort of environment (and I’ve worked in one similar to that) is that it’s so obviously counter-productive in the long run.

Thank you for your indepth opinion.

I tried Starfox 2 last year on emulator. I was not pleasantly surprised, the game has not aged well. I think the first Starfox actually aged better.

I have multiple mental health issues [Show me someone who doesn’t have a lot of their own crap]. I am both intelligent and educated. As someone dealing with ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, OCD, PMDD, and more medications than CVS, I definitely understand how social gatherings can feel potentially threatening

Hey if you like it more power to you

The Pokemon Company’s US Office actually does have a room (or more of a hallway?) that is just full of the official Pokemon Center plushies! I wouldn’t be surprised if Game Freak has one, too. 

Geez I forgot all about him from the 2nd game. I always played Brocken.

I don’t think you would have that much road to pave to get to the Catholic Church as a cult. I would say that most , if not all, religions are.

I have two kids. I love my kids.