
Nothing’s original anymore. What’s important is a nice, cool combination of factors a that creates a decent character.

Fair enough, but a bit of a shame. I would have loved it to have acknowledged some obscure thing you did in the first game and bring it back to haunt you in this game, long after the player had sort of forgotten it.

There’s probably only ever been one single event in the Resident Evil series that has ever really haunted me, and it’s that zombie right at the beginning. In particular his eye.

I think he means a potential 25,000 audience per niche anime, not for the entire niche anime industry.

I see no problems here. What say you, other pictures from Clamp?

Does that mean the game acknowledges your saves from the previous games? Are you basically playing the same character as last time?


Honestly we’ve been bouncing that way for decades now. Some of us are still waiting for them to release more Sohryuden light novels.

Further alternative theory:

Just got to Rom in Bloodbourne last night. It certainly took me a lot longer than 20 minutes!

From 1-19: ‘Oh yeah, i remember these things. They weren’t that scary. A little weird. A little dark. I think kids are too young to really understand and get traumatised by these things.’

Not sure how famous this is in America but The Gruffalo is another one of those scary but not really type books that are great for kids. Would highly recommend both the book and the voiced by Robbie Coltrane movie.

I challenge you right now!

This is the best comment.

Everything is secretly porn in Japan.

Even more amusing when it shows up in my feed in 2017.

Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes/That make me think the wrong thing

So in an attempt to understand this let me try to summarise (because i’m still trying to wrap my head around the subject):

Anyone else waiting for that bizarre moment where Christian Whitehead, now that he’s made it big with Sonic Mania, out of nowhere starts condemning mods and fangames for ruining the industry?

Played Phogs at EGX last month with the missus and i can say without a doubt it was the most fun we’ve had on a game for a while. My favourite bit was easily the bit with the water spout. Also loved what happens when one of you is idle for a while.