This is the best comment.
This is the best comment.
Everything is secretly porn in Japan.
Even more amusing when it shows up in my feed in 2017.
Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes/That make me think the wrong thing
So in an attempt to understand this let me try to summarise (because i’m still trying to wrap my head around the subject):
Anyone else waiting for that bizarre moment where Christian Whitehead, now that he’s made it big with Sonic Mania, out of nowhere starts condemning mods and fangames for ruining the industry?
Played Phogs at EGX last month with the missus and i can say without a doubt it was the most fun we’ve had on a game for a while. My favourite bit was easily the bit with the water spout. Also loved what happens when one of you is idle for a while.
So i’m just an on again off again very casual player that likes being the healer. Is it fine that i basically always main Mercy without switching? My thought is that the healer is always welcomed because someone has to do it. Does a healer always complement the team build, or should i learn to switch on occasion?
I swear HumbleBundle is making a new bundle every day now. It feels like part of a morning routine for me to check their site, look at one of these, decide I’ve bought too much already and go leave again.
I swear HumbleBundle is making a new bundle every day now. It feels like part of a morning routine for me to check…
Superhot doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
Open all doors i see in an area. Don’t enter the buildings. Go hide in a bush and watch people approach with extreme hesitance. Imagine their confusion at finding good weapons still inside.
Because of that amazing music that we all secretly/openly love but are too ashamed to admit it to the point where we will go out of our way to completely dismiss/disagree with this statement in order to continue the lie that we hate the music we secretly love more than anything else.
So is IceSprite secretly the person who owns this one-post account or something else?
I suppose if you fulfilled the criteria of being insanely intelligent in multiple fields, were completely nihilistic (not in the hardedge cool way, more in the disturbing depressing truly tragic way), had a family that you were at constant odds with between holding some loving affection and using them for various…
I think it may have already been done, but with a multiverse in effect there’s no problem doing it again. Our Council of Ricks would be the Councilest of Rickest of all the Councils of Ricks.
The dumbest thing about that Real Ricks thing is that the second you want to see yourself as being like Rick you have immediately failed at being like Rick. Rick is himself. He is the most Rick like Rick there is. That is the whole point.
So from what i can see the playable characters are Ada, Leon, Claire and...Robert Kendo? The gun shop owner that dies in the first ten minutes?
My theory is just some person has personal issues of some kind and the ps4 took the blame, maybe a family argument or someone who does nothing but play videogames.
It’s not like the 80's-90's period didn’t have its moments of treating children as fragile. There were many shows that went out of their way to not mention death and a whole bunch would alter events afterwards based on the ‘won’t somebody think of the children’ mentality (most obvious one i can think of was additions…