
I hear ya. The other thing to think about is who the buyer is. I mean there are people who buy Audi’s because AUDI. The Bolt might attract buyers because “it’s cool and environment friendly”, doesn’t change the fact that it has crap for internal dimensions looks like a turd (my opinion).

But it's not $40k. It's $20k and you're getting a LOT more for that extra $20k.

So besides the price difference between the Bolt and the Model S (I suppose we can’t compare the 3 just yet but whatever) it’s a difference of 23miles? Hmm, yeah still not enough for me to drive a Chevy.

Welcome to the Internet.

The Verge is working properly... time to switch tech blogs!

Sucks to suck.

Why don't you just tweet Elon? He likes to respond to this kind of stuff personally.

Would you rather a 2016 GTI or a 2013 Golf R? Same price these days...

But why would you do that? It's the only thing that tells you it's an STI.

They had spare wheels for the Space Shuttle a few months back...

Needs more Russian tank or Meteor...

I’m more offended by the VERTICAL video!!! Get it together man. Also, fuck that Audi, it had it coming and you’re just mad the Tesla just had the electronic balls to do it when you never do.

I had to do this crap on my ‘12 Subaru WRX but NEVER have had to do it on my ‘13 VW Golf R

All the WIN!

It’s based out of Colorado Springs, CO which also has fire fighting C-130's. In the long video it says the airports have the capability to support its mission. I imagine they keep a large tank full of multiple types of fire fighting stuff on station or at least while it's being contracted out for that fire.

The video says it can reload the materiel and fuel up in 30mins.

You and my grandma. If you’re holding out to try to be “cool”, no one cares. If you haven’t done it because you don’t understand then you need to read about it and do it. Beyond that, it’s 2016, get it together!

80% charge in 30mins from 220v? If that’s true and the new one makes the range farther then I’ll re-think it. I’m still going to get a Model 3 when they become available though.

Because Sunday. Gawker employees don’t work on the weekend.