Even at max, it didn't look very good to me. I'll still try it out, but the graphics aren't impressing me yet.
Even at max, it didn't look very good to me. I'll still try it out, but the graphics aren't impressing me yet.
Tower of pimps?
I'm almost tempted to give them money just because I truly believe a Minecraft movie would be among the worst possible movies of all time
Play pretty much any mainstream online FPS long enough and I guarantee you you'll hear enough crap to make your toes curl and your happiness die.
I feel that way sometimes too.
I think there is a difference when you know the person in real life for one.
in before the white men brigade of kotaku complain about their rights
Don't hate the player hate the game would be the most appropriate thing for this one. He figured out something that works, that other people hadn't thought of or understand and they're mad/jealous about it. It's working out for this guy and I hope he keeps it going.
Typically it isn't... but if you hire a ghost writer, pay them peanuts... keeping them in the dark about how much you're benefiting from it, and build a substantial career off of them essentially... wouldn't be that much better.
Uhh... what about them? That's not really the same thing. lol
ReROLL isn't like most survival games. For one, it uses drones—the machines map out the games' world using…
It's a Turkish name. There are lots of Turks (and Germans of Turkish descent) in Germany.
I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.
I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.
It's science.
Why do you assume they aren't?
As is the case with most awesome things, the answer is "both".
The answer is yes.
Okay, as badass as all of the EVE online stories usually are, this bit from the devs takes the cake.
An in-game memorial for an entirely player-created event? THAT is what MMOs should be about!