Yeah, I hate those damn hyphens.
Yeah, I hate those damn hyphens.
now if only the artist's username didnt make me want to hate him for some reason... oh wait i know the reason -.-
Meat packing factory? Cheaper then paying for refrigeration I guess.
I like that they have the other legendary birds out and about in the world, and then Articuno is just chilling on the ground in a factory
Wow... that's pricey. You'd have to be in charge of a multi-billion dollar company of some kind to afford that card, but who would spend that much money on (primarily) the one card?
if it's not spelt as 'there', people would argue it's not a real internet comment.
The biggest idiots are the ones who give attention to idiots. Because of this, I will make 50 fake accounts saying things that are not my actual opinions just to break the internet and piss off gullible people who should be using their time for productive and creative reasons. Also to distract and cock block.
Sexy women are great, but stupidity is a kind of a big turn off. Can't respect someone who goes into battle feeling protected wearing that.
How will people know there's nothing better if developers don't risk a new formula? Not saying this will succeed, but regurgitating the same old thing won't advance the genre, or help develop a new one, either.
Then why is it that EVERY MOBA player i know hates the current meta system and really wants a break away from it?
You need to stop living in one time.
Are JRPGs only Turn based? Not anymore. Same for any genre, it adapts and changes. Why shouldn't MOBAs be any different?
Not like there's anything important there, just a few guts, your liver and some other vital whatevers. Nothing you can't live without [for a few minutes]
Tactical armor placement. Nobody ever goes for the torso.
Sounds cool. But god damn it, that armor. I mean, really, I get it - sexy women are fantastic. I'm a hot-blooded heterosexual male in my mid-20s. I really, really like women in skimpy clothing. Especially when they're in close proximity to me. What can I say?
Why the hell do people hate on FtP games so much? They give poorer gamers a chance to play something, reduce the amount of time you stress on deciding to spend your money, and honestly there are plenty of great FtP games out there. As an example, I've been playing Blacklight Retribution a lot lately. It's FtP, and a…
Wow that game looks beautiful. Now let's see if we develop a story that grips me, gameplay I can immerse myself in for hours, characters I become attached to, a lack of grinding until I die, an amazing score, and an all around great atmosphere. If they can pull it off, this game would be awesome. I would probably die…
Gameplay, Story, depth; The 3 things I need to know about before even considering it.
Yeah, and I'm not sure I'd want to be thrust into such a competitive world.
It's possible, but I imagine that your competition would be pretty stiff.