
Man, Sex Dust used to be really great before they sold out and did that album of Burt Bacharach covers.

They had to change the date of the finale for some reason (I think there was a problem with the venue?) and thus many of the alums were already booked.

The producers deciding who should win a reality show is not a conspiracy at any rate. That's just how it works.

She was wearing a unicorn horn with glitter blood on it! It was drag!

Not to step on your joke, but the tag for Charlie is really Drag is Impersonation.

I loved them live. The Boston showing of Sidewinders made me laugh about as much as anything ever.

The Bridget and Mary Jo stuff is really fun too.

Everyone hated Pearl initially too, though. I think being head Mad is job you just have to grow into.

I was surprised CoCo didn't lipsync.

That's a very fair point.

7: It will be interesting to see how much of a factor the judges will be going forward. This was an easy one— Coco didn't do very well this episode and she doesn't have legions of fans that are going to come after anyone who eliminates her. Going forward it will get thornier.

2: The cruelest part of the twist of having the winner eliminate a girl is that some contestants are in it solely to rehabilitate their image. So, PhiPhi, you're the "winner" — which beloved queen do you want to eliminate: Alyssa, Alaska, or Katya? Yikes!

I watched a lot of Sasheer's videos when her casting was announced. My thoughts at the time were that she was 1) very funny, and 2) had a comic sensibility that SNL would have no idea what to do with. She'll land on her feet, though— SNL is littered with successful alums that didn't fit on the show.

How soon we forget Home on the Range!

It's also certainly not the least successful Disney film. Home on the Range? The Black Cauldron? Treasure Island? It's really not even close.

I'm not sure what the review meant by the Katt Williams line, honestly. I don't feel that Jay Pharoah is a bad fit for SNL— the show has always had a place for straight impressionists.

If you watch Sasheer's youtube (or Vimeo) videos, it's clear she's very funny. But I think the kind of character work she does is not an obvious fit for SNL.

I liked that Untucked combo— it was— at last— a group that wouldn't allow Laganga to cry!