
OMFG He's tony stark!! Why didn't I see this sooonerr????

I didn't use it very well but I do know what it is lol. I'm actually a neuro/psych researcher and ya… My description here was.. Poor. but the idea that she might actually have some attachment to her abusers here and she's hanging on to it emotionally and physically would be consistent with PTSD or Stockholm (many

I thought that so far season 4 has outclassed much of season 3 (which is saying A LOT) Unfortunately this episode, despite a couple of beautiful things (Ikki and the ropes etc.) and a really powerful ending, fell a bit flat for me. While there were a few episodes in the original series that worked in goofiness without

Kuvira: Come out Toph I'm here to kidnap you so co—-ackk *falls over dead*
Toph: heh

Excuse me but WHAT?!?! HOW THE HELL do you expect that encounter to go down?

Excuse me but WHAT?!?! HOW THE HELL do you expect that encounter to go down?