
Gods, Tilda Swinton has let herself go.

Nice to see Kaylee off the swingset. Weren't they playing with the mechanical pig that Mike uses as a door-knocker distraction in Breaking Bad? When he sneaks around to the backdoor?

Mike calling Ricky G from Buffalo "friend-o." Magical.

Fair enough. There've got to be at least a dozen other performers that could sing and dance with that kind of charisma. What ever ended up happening to Michael Jackson after the Wiz?

Diana Ross was the only reason Michael Jackson played the scarecrow.

Once you've seen the film, you realize why it can't be put back on the stage: New York City is the one character you can't recast. Even as the most expensive shoot ever in the city at the time, it still has that renegade, no-permit style that made it feel so real to me as a kid.

Tommen wants to know what the record is.

(blushes deeply)

I keep refreshing this page, but for some reason Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol keeps showing up at #35 while Upstream Color is at #45. Anyone else having this problem?

The portrait in his attic still sports both of those features

"Well done!"
*Said with a Maggie Smith chuckle while tapping finger tips together*

License to Kill, as well.

I'm thinking of something orange. Somthiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing OOOOOOOOOOOOOrange.

Charlie Pace drowning in the radio room in The Looking Glass was tough to watch.

Worse than that scene? "You gonna look out for me, Sgt. Carver? You gonna look out for me?! You mean it?!"