
While interesting, unless we have a similar database for Police deaths while on duty, The information is pretty reckless. There are losses on both side of the fence here, and we need to keep that in perspective (Two sides of a story, something this nation has long lost) The goal should be curbing death as a whole an

you do see that 99% of the people shot were committing violent felonies at the time right? stop sensationalizing stuff like this and focus on the more important fact that these people show a disregard for authority and other human life - and that is the reason they are getting shot. The MEDIA keeps telling people it’s

Ruining comes in waves. 10 years after The Matrix finished ruining SF, Avatar happened to ruin it in a different way. I also feel like The Matrix is to blame for all movies having to be trilogies for a long time. I’m not sure who the blame falls to for splitting the last film/season of a property in two though.

It still baffles me that we can now talk about “a mars-rock being stuck in a robot driving around on mars” as if it’s a normal thing, including hi-res photos!

Pete Carroll: Meh... Pass.

No. But I think we can all admit that Christians (and everything about them) have become fair game for persecution, and they are pretty much the only group that it is considered socially acceptable to mock or make otherwise bigoted comments against. And that is in Western society, not even to mention the genocide

Where was this one?

Genome/DNA editing, what could possibly go wrong?

Sinkholes don't have debris and burn marks around. The theory of the explosion seems to me like the most plausible one.

She's not startled, she's hungry.

Next up:

Holy moly... Next, they will be bringing bottles of milk in scheduled intervals, using only how many empty bottles to data mine how many you need replaced!! Amazing.

It is impossible for us to know if pi is *actually* normally distributed, because for all we know, at some arbitrarily large digit we are unable to compute, it may begin to repeat itself; 0's for instance from there-on-out.

I rather liked this winter: snow slows people down, it kills bugs, some invasive plants, and it's fun to play in.

Greenpan. Nonstick pan that isn't teflon. My bf fries eggs in it like a champ.

That's how I feel about pregnancy. While I don't want to have any children, seeing a pregnant woman still blows my mind. I'm always like "That's a HUMAN in there!! A real person who will some day be an adult! WHOOAA!!" then there's the fact that two humans did something highly enjoyable (in most circumstances)

...that also plays music. It's history's first smartphone!

It's called negative aftereffect, and it can happen with any image, even just a colored block. And, the effect is different for everybody. Some barely see it, some have a really long decay time - but it doesn't "screw up your brain." It just takes the fatigued on/off color-opponent neurons a little longer to