
Forget the new layout, I need to know how you got the Decepticon logo in your status bar.

Stonehenge is a clock and a calendar.

Yes it was. :) Centralia is a pretty cool place to see, too. I've been there a few times. There are only 3 houses left, I believe. And the local government just gave them the OK to stay there until they die. After that, no more inhabitants will be allowed. If anyone lives near enough to see it, go for it. It's

I've never seen most of the Brat pack era , John Hughes or Hughes-esque movies... I've seen The Breakfast Club, and love it, but never saw Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Say Anything, etc...

I will have to say you are DEFINITELY missing out. This is one of my all time favorites. It's smart, funny, and extremely well written, and not boring and artsy.

The Sharpie pens are my fave, too!

Welcome to the "Polish Alps" (named for the large amount of steep hills and Polish immigrants who settled here back in the day) in the South Side of Scranton, PA. This particular street is terrifying when you turn onto it from the top. You can't tell that there's a road there, it looks like a drop-off. There are

But she was also "Ms. Wheelchair NY, 2012." Why is that OK to use the wheelchair as an identifying factor, but acknowledging that she's "in" a wheelchair is bad?

This one got me, too. Even got my husband, which is rare. :)

He may just be reacting to the emotion of the song. I think it would be sad even without the words. But with the words, it's just heartbreaking. But regardless, I'm with you! I cried the first time I heard it, too.

I dunno. I thought they got better with each film. The last one was my favorite. I've never seen a crowd in a movie theater react to a film like that. <SPOILER ALERT> When they're in Chicago and you see that Optimus and the others are still alive, the whole theater stood up and cheered. I still watch it and cheer

Can you tell me anything else about the song itself?

I'll see if my hubby can find one. He's the one that told me it was RP. :)

It's called negative aftereffect, and it can happen with any image, even just a colored block. And, the effect is different for everybody. Some barely see it, some have a really long decay time - but it doesn't "screw up your brain." It just takes the fatigued on/off color-opponent neurons a little longer to

I thought of something else - a movie. When I was a kid - probably 8-10ish - I had a TV in my room. I would often fall asleep with the TV on (one of the many bad habits I got from my mother...) One night I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a movie on that scared the crap out of me. LA I remember is

Could it be any of the Ellen Hopkins books? They are all "diaries," usually written in the form of poetry.

That movie destroyed my life, too. HOW COULD THEY KILL OPTIMUS PRIME?!?!?!?!?!

It's definitely Richard Pryor. It was on his album That N***a's Crazy.

That's so sad, I'm sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, I did an obit search on and his name isn't listed. Maybe that's a small glimmer of hope for you...

Both of mine are commercials. The only thing I remember about the first one is that it had a guy buffing his car with a weedwhacker that had a buffer pad on the end of it. The other is one of the "Slowskys" commercials from Comcast/Xfinity. It has the male Slowsky on the counter at a diner, and he's talking about