
Talk about why you hate "Red Throne." There's a lot to like in how fucking pathetic Finn is.

Remember how PB said that he should commit suicide, then was afraid he'd gone through with it? And then how it got darker from there?

Man, they were posting SO MUCH on the production blog in season one. I remember getting acquainted with the show and enamored with its backgrounds before it even started (my desktop backgrounds cycle between AT backgrounds from each episode). They even posted the full score to two episodes, "The Jiggler" and, I think,

I might promote "Lemonhope" if I did it again. But people need to wake the fuck up and give "Bad Timing" some highest honors first.

It's strange how much Finn still doesn't know about what it means, to him, to be a hero.

Can we all step back and talk about how fucking awesome "Time Sandwich" was? Season five was something special.

Thanks on the top ten, by the way. I don't think I'd change much about it. Maybe "Frost & Fire" is a /little/ high? But the top six, I think I really nailed that top six.

i'm not even a big anime fan

I like Tree Trunks, and her first appearance was great. I still think the Apple Wedding is a chaotic mess of awesome. But yeah, "Dream of Love" was dogshit. "Water Park Prank" and that would also be pretty near the bottom, although "Water Park Prank" wasn't bad (in fact, it had quite a few things going for it) but

Finn's starting to get old enough, maybe. I think that before his s3 finale through s6 finale arc he was nowhere close, but after coming to peace with the drama in his life (and hitting his low points in "The Tower" and "Breezy") he's come out the other end a really amazing person.

Oh, I'm SURE I could. Someone asked me what would be at the bottom of my list, and I said I don't know exactly…I'd actually need to probably make the whole thing and see where everything falls.

man, can you imagine if they actually killed off the character that way

Do you not experience joy sir

It's so easy to forget just how much there is. It's so overwhelming.

Soft spot for the horrifying superfuture Graybles episode, but again, that didn't even make top 50.

So yeah, there's stuff that didn't even make that list that just BODIES everything from this week, too. "The Vault." "What Was Missing." "The Parties Over, Isla de Señorita." "The Eyes." "Blood Under the Skin." "Daddy's Little Monster." "BMO Lost." "Be More." "Time Sandwich." "Graybles 1000+."

This show gets Really Next Level, Really Really Often.

You don't realize how hard it is for an AT to make the top fifty until you actually fill it out. It's crazy, man.

Would like to say that none of the episodes so far this week have been in the top quartile of Adventure Time episodes (top 50), even "Varmints." The show's chugging along well, I like what I see. But I imagine that the more dazzling heights will start a week and half from now.