
How many real world songs it that in Adventure Time? "Where Everybody Knows Your Name," "Slow Boat to China," "Mama Said." Anything else? Jake playing some Mozart and Beethoven on his viola.

Yeah, she was a lawyer. She just wore the outfit to be sexy.

At least a vignette a la Bounce House Princess.

oh man maybe rattleballs enters the equation

Sacco's done a lot of great stuff since, but nothing reverberates quite like his first. You're in for a truly divine work of storytelling, journalism, drawn art.

His strength is obviously a device leading to…something. Not sure that's it, though.

First time I've seen those initials. Oh, my.

Kinda! Yeah! Starts out strong with the same sort of look-at-how-bad-their-days-are thing that "RBG" did, though.

If we're gonna get this much Starchy, I demand a Manfried episode.

Would be a scream if my Stakes joke actually came true.

From Hell is Alan Moore's huge-ass thing about Jack the Ripper. Then my mind just jumped to other comics masterpieces and I immediately leaped to Gilbert Hernandez's Love & Rockets epic Poison River (which I would say is a comics masterpiece on the level of Watchmen, Sacco's Palestine, and…nothing else).

Stakes is just gonna be Beto's Poison River chopped and screwed, isn't it?

Or Poison River.

Still not as good as when they did From Hell.

"(I admit I was kinda hoping she would say no to both of them and end the episode this way)"

Yeah the beginning was the only thing that really Lived Up to the original episode. The rest is nice but not powerful.

i've watched this a few times. still don't entirely know how i feel about it

if i ran a comments section:

GF does a lot of things i don't like. like, the rift was a weak plot element (why does ford have it? seems like just an excuse to have weirdmaggedon happen at a convenient time), it constantly reminds you what's happening in using expositional dialogue, and its 2B "filler" episodes haven't been nearly as rich as the

Her tears last night were for all the Starchies.