
The best song is the one by the other Stevens.

I also caught this. I think assuming she's doing it for Steven might be a bit of a stretch? But it's a good hypothesis.

can't unhear

They intentionally set us up to dislike Pearl at the beginning. She was the superego to Steven and Amethyst's id, the Skyler to their Walter.

Pearl can absolutely do wrong. Watch "Monster Buddies" again. One thing she obviously didn't get about Rose is that Rose could see the good in everything, and she seemed outright dismissive of a lot of these efforts, and we can see this at varying points throughout the show. I think this is probably her greatest fault.

The thing with TTG is that I don't think I'm up for a show that tries that hard. Maybe it's succeeding, but the level of trying overwhelms my circuits.

I'll try Gumball, but TTG is pretty clearly Not For Me, and I say that as someone who loves the HELL out of Teen Titans. WHO IS SLADE

Yup, Lemongrab is almost totally to thank for its high placement (the things it tops are kind of crazy). The only comparable performance of his? "Mystery Dungeon." Which…wow.

The thing is, I basically love all of the things people use to describe it. It's never surreal in a way that really ever surprises me.

Haha! But sometimes the opposite happens and people hop onto a show that's experiencing a serious hot streak.

I'm glad to hear this, and might investigate. I'm guessing it's kind of uncomfortable given the creator situation.

I didn't feel Clone High that hard, but obviously Venture Bros is top tier and worth mentioning alongside the other ones, I suppose. It just has such a different headspace than those I mentioned.

SU was a LOT less in flux just a week ago. It's crazy.

I'm making a gigantic top Adventure Time episodes feature for Monday, and "Too Young" is #26. "Frost & Fire" is #7.

Also, Steven floating around in dream-world was soooooo Adventure Time-like.

I thought "Say Uncle" was super duper funny, to be fair. So I was pretty okay with it.

YEAH! And suddenly we're so much more at peace that there are ALL THESE QUESTIONS still!

I might get back to watching, but I was trying to finish every episode before and it was pretty okay, but it just wasn't doing that much for me. I think I was a bit into season four.

oh sadie i just want you to be happy :(

I'm really glad that we got "Full Disclosure" right after "Jailbreak." That would've been a bad thing to chop off.